BNN Cable Shows

During the second half of the show, host Sheriff Steve Tompkins speaks with Molly Baldwin, CEO and founder of Roca, Inc. Roca is located in Chelsea, Massachusetts and their mission is to help disengaged and disenfranchised young people to move out of violence and poverty. Roca means “rock” in Spanish – a rock to lean on, a strength to draw from, a foundation for the future. This is a future where young people have real opportunities to leave the streets, get jobs, and take responsibility for their lives. They know that, given the right tools, these young people can not only survive, but can thrive. Roca demonstrates that very high-risk young people who are often left out of programming can be reengaged in a systematic way and can make positive impacts on both their own lives and their communities. About three and a half years ago, Roca opened up an office in Springfield, Massachusetts and are replicating the same services in that area.