Robert Repucci – Community Action Programs, Inter City, Inc.

Rachel Kemp – MA Republican Party & John Tobin – Northeastern University
November 5, 2014
Patricia Parcellin – Girl Scouts of Eastern MA
December 16, 2014
Rachel Kemp – MA Republican Party & John Tobin – Northeastern University
November 5, 2014
Patricia Parcellin – Girl Scouts of Eastern MA
December 16, 2014
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Robert Repucci – Community Action Programs, Inter City, Inc.

On the first half of Common Ground, host Sheriff Steve Tompkins, is joined by CAPIC, Executive Director Robert Repucci. Community Action Programs, Inter City, Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation chartered in 1967 and designated to identify and eradicate the root causes of poverty in Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop. Throughout the half hour they discuss topics ranging from the issue of inner–city poverty, programs that CAPIC run to recent statewide budget cutbacks affecting their services.