Sheriff Tompkins Addresses Members Of The New Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Summer Enrichment Program

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Sheriff Tompkins Addresses Members Of The New Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Summer Enrichment Program

July 14, 2014

CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682



Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins speaks to members of the Suffolk County Sheriff Department’s new Summer Enrichment Program.

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently met with participants of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department’s inaugural Summer Enrichment Program (SEP).

Sheriff Tompkins and the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department recently launched the program for motivated high school juniors and seniors, which will enable participates to gain insight into the world of law enforcement through job shadowing, weekly presentations by members of law enforcement, roundtable discussions, law enforcement related field trips and educational tours.

Sheriff Tompkins created this program with the objective of increasing transparency with Suffolk County youth and engaging them in the world of law enforcement.

For their first official “meet and greet,” the participants had the opportunity to chat with the leader of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. During the meeting, Sheriff Tompkins asked SEP members about their backgrounds and aspirations and quizzed them on their knowledge of law enforcement and statistics pertaining to incarceration. He also discussed with them his journey to becoming Sheriff, the significance of his role, and informed them of the purpose behind the program, before thanking them for their participation.

“We wanted to put this program together for a couple of reasons,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “One was to get young folks like you interested and involved in the criminal justice system. A lot of people don’t really understand what corrections is all about. We wanted you to experience it from this vantage point so that, for those of you thinking about going into criminal justice, you’ll get a real understanding of what goes on here.”

After asking and answering several questions regarding recidivism and the world of law enforcement, Sheriff Tompkins advised the group to make the best use of their time in the program.

“Really pay attention to what you learn here,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “Have a plan. You may not stay with that plan, but have a plan and try to stick to it. Just be conscious of who you are and what you want to do and who you associate yourself with. Once this experience is over, we’re still here, so if you need us, stay in touch with us. We want to help you get to where you want to be. Whatever you want to do, we can help you—that’s our job in this program.”

For more information about the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department’s Summer Enrichment Program, visit:


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