Sheriff Tompkins Supports Casa Myrna At First Annual Policy Maker Breakfast
October 17, 2014
Sheriff Tompkins, Department Welcome Rev. Liz Walker For Presentation To Women’s Programming
October 22, 2014
CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682

Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently visited the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center (RLTAC) to take part in the Sensational Seniors’ "October Blast" celebration.
The flagship of the Reggie Lewis Center’s cardiovascular program, the Sensational Seniors Exercise Program’s mission is to maintain and improve the health of its members in a fun, safe environment. It was also developed as a means to educate members about relevant health and fitness topics that promote healthy, lifelong behaviors.
Beginning with a greeting by Roxbury Community College President Valerie Roberson and words from RLTAC Director Keith McDermott, the event also featured a special recognition ceremony for the Sensational Senior Steppers dance team, dinner, and dancing with music from DJ T. Clark.
Speaking about some of his current initiatives, Sheriff Tompkins engaged the crowd in a spirited session of call and response before turning the floor over to the other speakers present for the celebration.
“Can we all agree that it is better to educate than incarcerate?” asked Sheriff Tompkins to the affirmation of the crowd. “At the Sheriff’s Department, we are working tirelessly to try and improve the station of those in our care through education and vocational training so that they are better able to live and work outside and not recidivate. And, we’re reaching out to young people to spread the word that prison is no place for them to be, but education can take you anywhere.”
To learn more about the Sensational Seniors or about Roxbury Community College in general, visit: