Sheriff Tompkins, Sheriff’s Department Host Candidate For Lt. Governor Cheung For House Of Correction Tour
April 17, 2014
Sheriff Tompkins Lends Support To Roca At 9th Annual Community Breakfast
May 7, 2014
CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins and the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department recently participated in Project Bread’s 2014 Walk for Hunger.
The 20–mile walk, which began over 45 years ago, seeks to raise awareness about the issue of hunger while also raising funds to support statewide anti–hunger work. Since its inception, the organization’s efforts have met with considerable success as “The Walk” is now the United States’ largest one–day fundraiser focused on alleviating hunger.
In solidarity, Sheriff Tompkins and a large contingent from the Sheriff’s Department joined the 43,000 other walkers and 2,000 volunteers who came out to support local food pantries, community–based meal programs, early childhood and school nutrition initiatives and improved access to farm–to–table resources.
Sheriff Tompkins was proud that the Department was able to be a part of such an impactful event.
“The Walk is such a special event for the city,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “It’s all about community: neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend. Every single person who takes part in The Walk for Hunger makes a difference in this cause. As the Sheriff of Suffolk County, I see every day the toll that poverty takes on society in the forms of the people who come into our care, custody and control at the Department. The link between poverty, in which hunger is often included, cannot be overstated. That’s why I applaud Project Bread for seeking to address one of the key factors in the multitude of issues that can lead to criminal behavior. I, along with the people from the Sheriff’s Department, am thrilled to be here to take part in this event, and I know for a fact that there is no other one like it in Suffolk County.”