Sheriff Tompkins Joins Celebration Of August Moon Festival In Chinatown

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Sheriff Tompkins Joins Celebration Of August Moon Festival In Chinatown

August 13, 2014

CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682



Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins speaks to the crowd during Chinatown’s celebration of the August Moon Festival.

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently joined the Chinatown community in its celebration of the end of harvest season at the August Moon Festival.

Held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the August Moon Festival or “Mid–Autumn Festival” is one of the most celebrated Chinese holidays, which is marked by the celebration the end of the harvest season with a sizeable feast.

Each year, hundreds of people visit the Chinatown area to participate in the festivities, which range from music, food, fun activities, storytelling, performances from magicians, musicians, and martial artists and a dragon parade to celebrate the full moon.

Prior to the event’s official kickoff, Sheriff Tompkins took the stage to send welcome all of the attendees.

“I want to bring greetings from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “This is a glorious day for this event. I want to thank Hung Goon and the CCBA [Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association] for all that they do. I get a chance to go to communities throughout Suffolk County and what I see in each community is a rich, vibrant culture and heritage. I am of the belief that our differences are our strengths. If we all looked alike, if we all sounded alike, it would be no fun. So coming down to Chinatown is such an enriching and enjoyable experience and I just want to thank you for having me.”


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