Sheriff Tompkins Lends Support To Youth Organization “The Base”

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Sheriff Tompkins Lends Support To Youth Organization “The Base”

November 24, 2014

CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682



Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins (left) with Robert Lewis, Jr. (2nd from left) and supporters at “The Base Ball,” held at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center.

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently attended “The Base Ball” at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center in Roxbury.

Sheriff Tompkins was on hand to support The Base’s Founder and President Robert Lewis, Jr. with efforts to raise funds for the group’s programming in support of its student athletes.

According to materials presented by the organization, The Base – which is located in the heart of Boston’s Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan neighborhoods – “builds Champs on and off the field by providing resources, mentorship and access to services that ensure that each student athlete graduates from high school and is equipped with a winning game plan for life.”

Following the program, Sheriff Tompkins spoke about the merits of the program with respect to public health and safety.

“I think that what Robert [Lewis, Jr.] and the others are doing with The Base is just awesome,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “Stressing education along with athletic achievement is a great way to ensure that these young people will stay engaged and committed to their studies, which is key to having a positive future beyond baseball. There are studies that show a strong correlation between education and participation in athletics with helping people to steer clear of incarceration. We need to support and create more programs like these that encourage our young people to pursue their education.”


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