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November 10, 2014
Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Officers Honored At Correction Employee Of The Year Awards
November 17, 2014
CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682

True–See Allah, the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Director of the Boston Reentry Initiative, was recently recognized by YouthConnect as one of the organization’s 2014 Partnership Award recipients.
Along with members of L.I.P.S.T.I.C.K. (Ladies Involved in Putting a Stop To Inner–City Killing) and Youth Options Unlimited (Y.O.U.), Mr. Allah was honored for working collaboratively with YouthConnect, an organization striving to combat juvenile crime and help at–risk youth and families make healthier and more positive choices.
An advocacy and intervention program of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, YouthConnect’s mission is to help the most at–risk young people through the formation of trusting relationships with skilled and compassionate social workers. They do this by intervening (being present) at critical moments when young people are either engaged or at risk of engaging in delinquent activity; placing masters–level, licensed, clinical social workers at police stations through an innovative partnership with the Boston Police Department; and by connecting young people and their families with the most effective social services for their individual situations. Since its inception in 1996, YouthConnect has served more than 11,000 youth and families from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Following the Partnership Awards Breakfast, Mr. Allah spoke about the honor of being chosen.
“It really is a humbling experience to be recognized,” said Allah. “It is nice, though, because it’s kind of a ‘getting the flowers while you’re alive’ thing. In the realm of public safety, particularly in corrections, it’s oftentimes a thankless job. We’re all dedicated and we do the work because it’s the right thing to do, but something like this can be a good shot in the arm to keep you going.”
Adding his voice to the chorus of support for Mr. Allah was Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins.
“True–See is a deserving recipient of this award,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “The work that he does as a member of the Department with the BRI program has a positive impact not just on the individual participants, but on our community as a whole. He has also been a strong community advocate outside of his Department work for quite some time, so it’s heartening to see him recognized for the effort he gives both professionally and personally.”
For more information about YouthConnect, visit: www.bgcb.org/our-location/youthconnect.