Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Launches OASIS Unit
June 15, 2018The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department held its first Mentoring Panel
August 3, 2018Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins and the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department are once again welcoming 20 high school students from Boston, Chelsea, Winthrop and Revere as participants in the Department’s Fifth Annual Summer Enrichment Program.
The Summer Enrichment Program is one of several innovative programs that the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department provides for teens in Suffolk County. The program gives young individuals entering their junior and senior years of high school the opportunity to learn alongside law enforcement professionals while fostering positive relationships.
Participants join the Department three days a week for seven weeks during which time, they learn about the inner workings of law enforcement through job shadowing, weekly presentations by members of law enforcement, roundtable discussions, law enforcement-related field trips, and educational tours. During each week of the internship, members participate in a “meet and greet” with members of the law enforcement community on Wednesdays, and a tour or field trip on Friday’s. The program also provides participants with uniform shirts and a plentiful amount of field trips to law enforcement facilities, state and city agencies, and more.
Launched in the summer of 2014, the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) was created to provide summer employment for Suffolk County teens interested in pursuing future careers in law enforcement while creating the added benefit of bringing together uniformed officers and young people for positive interactions. These two critical elements provide participants the unique experience of understanding the career journeys of criminal justice professionals, as well as preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities of this sector. All participants have expressed interest in learning about the criminal justice system with a focus on law enforcement, the court system, social work and several other related fields of employment.
For more information on the program as it unfolds and to keep up with our Summer Enrichment Program, follow us on our social media sites.