Sheriff’s Department Welcomes Judge McCormick, Court Officers For Tour Of The Nashua Street Jail

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Sheriff’s Department Welcomes Judge McCormick, Court Officers For Tour Of The Nashua Street Jail

April 3, 2014

CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682



Judge Lawrence McCormick (4th from the right) listens as Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department ADS Carole Cafferty (far right) speaks about some of the functions of the Nashua Street Jail. Joining them in this photo are Horace Blue, Director of Program Services at the Jail (3rd from right); Sgt. Dennis Manning of the External Affairs and Communications Division (2nd from right); Stephen DeLuca, Probation Officer from the Charlestown Division of Boston Municipal Court (5th from right); and other members of the courts.

The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department recently invited Judge Lawrence McCormick, Presiding Justice of the Charlestown Division of Boston Municipal Court, and a group comprised of court officers from Boston’s Drug Courts for a tour of the Nashua Street Jail.

The group, which also included Michelle Williams, Chief Probation Officer, Charlestown Court; Stephen DeLuca, Probation Officer, Charlestown Division of Boston Municipal Court; Marinyle Sanchez, Probation Officer, South Boston Court; Helen Coyne, Probation Officer, Dorchester Court; Francine Hammersley, Probation Officer, East Boston Court; Shannon Lundin, MGH/Charlestown Substance Abuse Coalition; Yvonne Desmond, Treatment Coordinator, Boston Municipal Court; and student interns Jesse Hernandez and Azzurra DePaola.

The purpose of the tour was to bring members of the courts into the Jail to meet with staff and learn more about the functions and capabilities of the Jail as part of the effort to further strengthen the collaboration between agencies.

Led by Assistant Deputy Superintendent Carole Cafferty, Director of Program Services Horace Blue and Sergeant Dennis Manning of the Communications and External Affairs Division, the tour visited several hubs of activity within the Jail including the records office, transportation command office, booking area, property area, transport area, the New Man Unit, and the caseworkers’ offices.

Addressing the tour and its participants, ADS Cafferty spoke about the mutual benefits derived by both parties from such visits.

“The representatives of the court were able to witness firsthand the complexities of operating a high volume facility such as the Nashua Street Jail,” said Cafferty. “Often, other criminal justice entities do not have a clear understanding of the broad scope of services provided by the Sheriff’s Department on a daily basis.”

“Also, many employees of the Department interface with court personnel on a daily basis via telephone or electronic correspondence,” Cafferty continued. “This occurs throughout many divisions within the Department, such as: booking, records, transportation and program services. Fostering and strengthening collegial working relationships with our counterparts in the court not only assists us in accomplishing our goals, it also serves as a learning opportunity for all.”

Speaking about his time at the conclusion of the tour, it appeared that Judge McCormick agreed.

“It really is impressive, the operation that you have here at the Jail,” said Judge McCormick. “Our respective agencies have worked closely together for quite some time, but it’s good to be able to see with our own eyes the people on the other end of the telephone who make everything run.”


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