Men’s Programming Division

The goal of the Men’s Programming Division is to insure the delivery of a comprehensive array of human service programs and activities for inmates housed at the Suffolk County House of Correction. A team of caseworkers participate in the development and implementation of Institutional Service Plans (ISP) and Discharge Plans for each inmate. Additionally, caseworkers assist with: classification hearings and reviews; referrals to various departments and services in education, vocation and training in order to assist inmates in meeting their needs; contact courts on behalf of inmates and assist in the resolution of open cases; address needs related to family services or emergencies. Caseworkers try to ensure that inmates have the opportunity to make their time at the facility productive by addressing their problems and by taking ownership of their decisions that led to criminal activity.

In addition to general casework services, the staff members of the Social Services deliver services in the following program areas:

  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Religious and Spiritual Programs
  • Discharge Planning
  • Reintegration services in conjunction with the Re-entry and Transitional Center
  • Referrals to Harm Reduction Programs

Chaplains of several different denominations provide spiritual guidance for the inmates as well as approved individuals who come in from the communities to provide religious services. Community collaborations with the self–help programs are a crucial support for the inmates, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are scheduled weekly by the Social Services Division.