Sheriff Tompkins Attends Annual Senior Event At Buckley Apartments In Chelsea

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Sheriff Tompkins Attends Annual Senior Event At Buckley Apartments In Chelsea

July 11, 2014

CONTACT: Peter Van Delft
(617) 704-6682



Sheriff Tompkins with (L to R): The Executive Director of the Chelsea Housing Authority Albert Ewing, Miguel Sanchez of Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar and Habanero’s Salsa Caliente, LLC, and Chelsea City Councilor At-Large Leo Robinson (all of whom had a hand in putting the event together).

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently visited the Buckley Apartments in Chelsea to participate in their annual senior cookout event. In addition to elected officials such as Chelsea City Councilors Leo Robinson and Giovanni Recupero, nearly 200 seniors participated throughout the day engaging in conversation, watching a World Cup soccer game, eating great food, and enjoying musical offerings.

Sheriff Tompkins was happy to take part in such a joyous occasion.

“I love to see community gatherings like these,” said Sheriff Tompkins. “They encourage members of the community to engage with each other. Working in the world of corrections, I’m often reminded of all the ills plaguing our communities, but being in this positive environment is reassuring and reminds me of what we’re working for at the Sheriff’s Department and why that work is so important.”


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