
August 11, 2014

Sheriff Tompkins Meets With 60–Plus Veterans Group In Roxbury

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins recently visited with the 60–Plus Veterans Group at 12th Baptist Church in Roxbury. During his address to the group, Sheriff Tompkins spoke about many of his key initiatives, including the introduction of new programs designed to provide employable skills to inmates and detainees; his advocacy for more addiction recovery and mental health services for community residents; calling for more educational opportunity for the young people of Suffolk County; and several other issues critical to the community. Sheriff Tompkins also held a question and answer session during which he spoke about his recently launched Office of Veterans’ Affairs for Department staff, the hiring requirements and process for officers, and a host of other topics.
August 8, 2014

Sheriff Tompkins Joins U.S. Senator Markey’s Panel To Discuss Epidemic Of Drug Addiction And Abuse

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins joined U.S. Senator Edward Markey and a panel of experts consisting of state and local officials and the heads of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and other key organizations to discuss the creation of a comprehensive strategy to address the growing opiate and prescription drug abuse and addiction epidemic.
August 1, 2014

Sheriff Tompkins Welcomes US Marshal John Gibbons To Speak At Summer Enrichment Program

Suffolk County Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins and the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department recently introduced a Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) for eleventh and twelfth grade high school students interested in the world of law enforcement. In addition to participating in job shadowing internships and field trips every week, program participants receive the opportunity to meet and speak with professionals from the world of law enforcement.